
Heather makes 32 water balloons in 45 minutes. At this rate, how many hours will it take her to make 136 water balloons

Accepted Solution

It would take 3.19 hours to make 136 water balloons.Step-by-step explanation:Water balloons made = 32 Time = 45 minutesRatio of water balloons to time = 32:45Water balloons to be made = 136Time required = xRatio of balloons to be made to time required = 136:xUsing proportion;Ratio of water balloons to time :: Ratio of balloons to be made to time required[tex]32:45::136:x[/tex]Product of mean = Product of extreme[tex]45*136=32*x\\6120=32x\\32x=6120[/tex]Dividing both sides by 32[tex]\frac{32x}{32}=\frac{6120}{32}\\x=191.25\ minutes[/tex]1 minute = [tex]\frac{1}{60}\ hours[/tex]191.25 minutes = [tex]\frac{1}{60}*191.25 = 3.19\ hours[/tex]It would take 3.19 hours to make 136 water balloons.Keywords: ratio, proportionLearn more about proportions at:brainly.com/question/2115122brainly.com/question/2154850#LearnwithBrainly