
A hot air balloon is currently at a height of 900 feet. The balloon is descending by 10 feet minute. Find a function for the balloon's height after x minutes

Accepted Solution

Answer:[tex]y=-10x+900[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:Letx -----> the number of minutesy ----> the balloon's height in feetwe know thatThe linear equation in slope intercept form is equal to[tex]y=mx+b[/tex]wherem is the slopeb is the y-coordinate of the y-interceptIn this problem we have thatThe slope is equal to [tex]m=-10\ \frac{ft}{min}[/tex] ----> is negative because is a decreasing function[tex]b=900\ ft[/tex]Remember that the y-intercept is the value of y when the value of x is equal to zeroIn this context the y-intercept is the height of the balloon when the time is equal to zero (initial height)substitute[tex]y=-10x+900[/tex]